has been bothering me for a while now. Humans can have a whole slew of allergies
to chocolate, right? And dogs are really, reallyallergic to chocolate, right? Well, if dog(human) = werewolf, and allergic(allergic2)
= allergic3, then it follows that a chocolate cake would be
just as lethal as a silver bullet to your typical lycanthrope.
me out. First, let’s consider one trait all werewolves have in common: shape-shifting.
To change shape on that scale, a body would have to rapidly generate new tissue
and/or rearrange all or most of the cells in the existing tissues. Both
processes put the body under manageable, but considerable, strain.
is where the chocolate comes in. The compound in chocolate that kills dogs is
theobromine, a close relative of caffeine. The wonderful scrub brush that is
the human liver is more than capable of processing out theobromine before it
can get up to too much mischief, but a dog’s liver (or, say, a liver that was
busy rearranging its cells to fit into a new, more dog-like body) processes
theobromine much more slowly. This means a substance that can stimulate the
heart enough to cause seizures in dogs would be hanging out in a werewolf’s
body while his or her cardiovascular system was already under stress.
that’s not even the best part. While scholars debate whether or not lycanthropy
can be inherited, most people agree that it is transmissible by bite. Something
in that bite does a serious overhaul of the human genome, giving the
newly-afflicted werewolf’s cells the instructions they need to morph into a functioning
organism, instead of a giant tumor.
a new genetic code would be too much to ask of a venom, but retroviruses hijack their host’s molecular machinery, going so far as to insert new
instructions into their host’s DNA. So, this retrovirus forms a mutualistic
relationship with its host, providing genetic info that makes the host
stronger, faster, and generally less killable, in
exchange for a safe place to live and a means for establishing new populations.
along comes theobromine, which (I kid you not) acts as a mutagen on
single-celled organisms.
simultaneously destroys both the werewolf’s cardiovascular system and the virus that’s keeping the werewolf
running. All a silver bullet can do is poison him and make him bleed a little.
to any werewolves reading my blog, stop eating those death-chip cookies! Maybe
the first couple didn’t get you, but they will!
Yes! I finally understand why chocolate is bad for dogs.... now I just need to find a way to stop giving my dog chocolate. ALSO, HELL YES LYCANTHROPY! Finally, someone who understands what this is!